Instead he rolled and crawled and rolled all over the bed, occasionally sitting up and looked at you, and laughed. I was exhausted by him, thus I lied down on the edge while he continued his "adventure". Suddenly he just fell back and collapsed backward, missed the pillow and banged his head against the wall. Bizarrely, he stunned with wide eyes, sightly opened mouth, for ten seconds. He rose, turned around looked at the white pale wall, took his little hand and hit the wall, checking on the wall and noticed it was hard. Then he hit the pillow nearby, and discovered that it was soft. He hit the wall again and realized that it was no joke, it was really hard. Out of the blue, suddenly he dove his head down, right onto the pillow and landed "softly". He rose, looked at me and laughed happily.
He crawled around again and after few minutes, once more, he collapsed backward and hit his head partially to the wall. Stunned and bizarred again, he turned and looked. This time, he tried to pull the pillow sidewards, which I kindly helped him. Once again, he turned around, making sure the pillow was there and he intentionally fell backward, landed on the soft pillow. This time, he rose, laughed and waved, joyfully.
1 comment:
Lifu is definitely one smart dude just like his parents.
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